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Ignite is the portal through which you light that spark within you and
become fully ignited, unstoppable, and
ON FIRE in your biz,
your being, and your life!

The Ignite Portal is for purpose-driven, heart-led, ambitious, and multi-passionate women who want to be fully ignited and ON FIRE in all they are and all they do!


It’s for women who are ready to rise and soar with other powerful, soul-aligned women who are on the same path and fanning each other’s flames along the way!


It’s for women who want to be part of a movement of women igniting women all over the world!


Ashley Hann

I am a creative brand strategist, artist, women’s coach, podcast host, author, multi-faceted entrepreneur and proud toddler mama! My expertise is extracting and igniting your unique essence so you can bring your full self ONLINE.

Since becoming a mother, my time has become infinitely more valuable. I no longer tolerate working long, tedious hours to make the kind of money I desire to make. I’ve built my business around my desired lifestyle. I make money doing what I LOVE and what lights me up… and I have plenty of free time left over.

Making wild amounts of money doing what you love is your birthright. You have a natural ability within you to do this, and I teach women how to IGNITE and ACTIVATE this part of them.

I built my first freedom-based business back in 2015, and since then, I’ve made millions of dollars doing what I love. Yes, I started out hustling and working my ass off… but here’s the kicker: I made the most money I’ve ever made when I worked the least amount of hours I’ve ever worked… and that’s possible for you too.

This is the kind of women you can expect to
find inside the Ignite Portal:

  • Ambitious, type A, driven women who know they’re here to create big results in their lives!

  • Heart-centered, purpose-driven women who have BIG, beautiful, generous hearts and who desire to impact the world in a positive way.

  • Women who like to get DOWNNN (whether in public or private). Maybe you have a bit of a “hood” “bad b*tch” energy to you. Maybe you rap on the way to the gym and can’t help but shake your booty to your fave 2000’s hip hop song.

  • Multi-faceted, multi-passionate women who have many dimensions and aspects to them that they want to ignite and fully express!

Does this sound like you? Then you belong in here with us, sister!!


This month is all about riding the wave of momentum you created last month, relaxing into the acceleration and SQUEEZING the juice out of the fruits of your labor!🍋💦✨ It’s about prioritizing ourselves and our own PLEASURE.🥰 Let’s see how JUICY and YUMMY can we make this month!!🤤

Ways to dive in


Connect with a BADAS$, soul-aligned sisterhood of women in the Ignite Portal Telegram Community


Tap into the abundant library of trainings, modules and resources in The Vault


Listen to materials on-the-go via the Ignite Portal Exclusive Members-only Podcast where Ashley’s Weekly Upgrades are uploaded in the form of mini audio trainings

Want a higher level of access and closer proximity?

Get access to everything in the Ignite Portal PLUS MORE...

  • 2X Live VIP-only hot seat coaching calls each month
  • Live trainings and workshops with expert guests & leaders
  • Special, more intimate and higher level VIP private group with Ashley and other powerhouse women from around the world
  • Special rates & early access to retreats/higher level offers


Now for $997 per month

or $9970 for 1 year

(Get 2 months free)

Free, Limited-Time Live Masterclass
with Ashley Hann & Julie Serot

    Where should I send your FREE copy of my book, Magnetic Confidence?
